Domestic Partnerships in Nevada Law

What You Need To Know About Domestic Partnerships in Nevada Law


When it comes to establishing a solid foundation for your relationship in the Silver State, understanding the rights and benefits of domestic partnerships in Nevada law is crucial. For couples considering a domestic partnership, this provides a legal recognition of your relationship and grants you many of the same protections afforded to married couples.

Nevada law enacted the Domestic Partnership Act in 2009, an important step to provide more equity and support to all couples, regardless of marital status or gender. This legislation has opened the door for countless couples to enjoy the benefits of joining their lives together. Here’s what you need to know as you contemplate taking this step with your significant other.

1. Eligibility criteria: In order to enter into a domestic partnership in Nevada, both parties should be at least 18 years old, not married or in a domestic partnership with another individual, not related by blood, and capable of consenting to the domestic partnership. Same-sex couples, as well as heterosexual couples, can apply for domestic partnership.

2. Rights and benefits: A domestic partnership grants you many rights and benefits that married couples enjoy, including the following:

  •  Hospital visitation rights: You’ll have the same visitation rights as a spouse at healthcare facilities.
  • Health benefits: You may be able to add your partner to your healthcare plan, depending on your employer’s policies.
  •  Property rights: Domestic partners have property rights, including the right to buy, sell, or lease property together.
  •  Inheritance rights: If your partner passes away without a will, you’ll inherit their property, as a spouse would.
  •  Family and medical leave: You can take time off work to care for your partner under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), similar to married couples.
  •  Adoption rights: Domestic partners can adopt children together, just like married couples.

3. Registration and fees: To establish your domestic partnership, you’ll need to complete a Domestic Partnership Declaration form, available through the Nevada Secretary of State’s office. Once completed, both parties should sign the form in front of a notary. The registration fee is $50; however, if you need a certified copy of your domestic partnership, the total fee is $65.

4. Legal protections: Domestic partners are protected by Nevada’s anti-discrimination laws in areas such as housing and employment. This means that employers and landlords cannot discriminate against you based on your domestic partnership status.

5. Termination: If you wish to dissolve your domestic partnership, you’ll need to complete a Termination of Domestic Partnership form and submit it to the Secretary of State’s office. The termination fee is $50.

Navigating the world of domestic partnerships in Nevada can be a fulfilling journey for those seeking legal recognition and protection for their relationship. By understanding the rights, benefits, and legal aspects of this arrangement, you and your partner can create a strong foundation for a lifetime partnership built on commitment and equality.

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